Craps come bet payout

Once a point is made on the first roll or a come point on a succeeding roll, you may take the odds and win if the points are made before a seven. Payoffs are: two-to-one on four and ten, three-to-two on five and nine, six-to-five on six and eight. “Don’t Pass” or “Don’t Come” bets are in reverse; you must lay the odds in order to win.

Craps come bet odds payout
  1. The bet is moved to its corresponding number square when Come Point is established. Come Point 8 Come bets payout 1:1 (even money). Once Come Point has been established (Come bet moves to the respective number), Come bet can be removed but it cannot be changed (increased/decreased).
  2. If you want to compare one bet to another bet, the 'per roll' is the only way to do it. When the field pays triple (the ONLY time you should EVER bet the field if you do bet it at all) the edge is 2.78% per roll. The same as the hardways here in America.

Not as many people put free odds behind come and don’t come bets. Nevertheless, you can place odds behind both of these wagers.

Craps come bet odds payout

The process works almost exactly the same as with pass line and don’t pass line bets. The only difference is the nature of come and don’t come.

Come and don’t come bets have the same rules as pass line and don’t pass line, respectively. The exception, though, is that you must wait for a point number to be established before making eitherof these wagers.

Here’s an example of making a come bet.

  • The shooter rolls a 4, thus establishing a point
  • You make a come wager
  • The shooter’s next roll now becomes the come out roll for your come bet
  • The shooter tosses a 6, thus establishing a point
  • You take odds on the 6, meaning that your potential payout and true odds are both 6:5

Essentially, come and don’t come are like your own personal pass line and don’t pass line wagers. You can make these bets any time after the shooter’s initial point has been established and backthem with odds.

Many players stick to backing pass line and don’t pass line with free odds because it’s easy to do so at the start of a new shooter’s round.


But the methodology for backing come and don’t come bets with odds is almost the same. You just need to deal with more chaos since you’re doing so in the middle of a shooter’s turn.

Craps Come Bet Payout

Craps Come Bet Payout

Craps Don't Come Odds Payout

When you do back come and don’t come bets with odds, place your chips above the respective space. Also, notify the dealer so that they don’t mistake your free odds for another come or don’t comewager.